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The Not-for-Profit of the year award recognizes a registered Not-for-Profit or charitable organization that has committed themselves to the service of others within the Mississauga community and beyond. They are innovators and leaders that are providing programming and services for the betterment of the community and have made measurable strides in their operating and growth.

Award criteria quick reference:

1. You may be nominated for up to three categories.
2. Previous winners are not eligible to be nominated for the same award for a three-year period.
3. The organization may only win one award.
4. To qualify, you must have Mississauga based business.
5. Franchise(s) are not eligible unless otherwise specified.

Criteria for Eligibility & Selection:

1. The organization is not-for-profit in Mississauga.
2. Setting and achieving clear business objectives and effective use of resources.
3. Demonstrates originality and sustainability in generating income or securing funding.
4. Shows innovation in services or programs to meet changing demands in Mississauga community.
5. Shows an analysis of measurable results in the communities they serve.
6. Shows a commitment to people development, whether paid or volunteer, including qualified governance.
7. Demonstrates strong and accountable governance leadership.